Current Edition of...

Readings in Personality Psychology


About the Book

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The New Publisher

Pearson/Allyn & Bacon is a highly regarded publisher of textbooks located in Boston, Massachusetts. Earlier editions of Readings in Personality Psychology, (with the earlier title "Reading the Scientific Literature in Personality Psychology") were published by Pearson Custom Publishing. Both are Pearson companies, but the switch does represent a change in the status of the book.

Readings in Personality Psychology was originally signed by Allyn & Bacon in 2003. At that time, my editors and I wanted to develop the book in a classroom test edition, to be used with students in a few courses before the final version was prepared. To assist with that project, my editors at Pearson Custom Publishing, including Kim Brugger, Rebecca Faber, and Scott Salesses, acquired, printed, and distributed a version for classroom testing, published in 2004. Preparing that edition allowed me to improve the quality of the present edition substantially.

Now the book is further developed, and Allyn & Bacon has just brought out their first edition of the book. They bring to the project their special expertise in publishing. This includes new standards for layout, an extra (two) phases of proofreading/copy editing, and other processes that will ensure a better reading experience and a more professional look. The book also is newly expanded, with many introductions to the various readings rewritten for consistency and clarity.