The First Pearson Custom Edition

Other Editions

To see the original design for the 1st edition cover, click here.

The cover was as in the 2nd & 3rd editions, its color was alternating medium & light blue.

The Brief Table of Contents for the 1st Pearson Edition was:

Part 1: Examining Personality

1. What is Personality?

2. Reading and Evaluating Personality Research

3. Perspectives on Personality

Part 2: Parts of Personality

4. Motivation and Emotion in Personality

5. Interior Selves; Interior Worlds

6. Thinking with Intelligence

7. The Conscious Self and Autonomous Parts of Personality

Part 3: Personality Organization

8. How the Parts of Personality Fit Together

9. The Dynamics of Motivated Action

10. The Dynamics of Self-Control

Part 4: Personality Development

11: Personality Development in Childhood and Across the Lifespan

12: Adult Personality Development